Celebrating the Collaborative Process
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Statement
Research and Creative Activity Statement
My teaching celebrates the collaborative process of artmaking. I encourage students to work in multiple design areas to understand their role as a production team member. I have consistently created experiential learning opportunities for undergraduate students throughout my career to work as my design assistants at organizations worldwide.
My goal has been to help develop student artists who can engage in different methodologies, philosophies, and practices as a designer by analyzing dramatic texts and historical artifacts. I expect them to construct reasoned arguments about their creative processes and communicate these inferences and conclusions through dramaturgical writing, theatrical performance, or design/technical execution.
Beyond my comprehensive design teaching experience, I have taught throughout the theatre discipline, including creative dramatics, play analysis, dramaturgy, theatre history, period research, freshmen, sophomore and senior seminars, as well as professional aspects courses at both the graduate and undergraduate level.
Throughout any class or experiential learning experience, I create an environment that promotes student artists and scholars who are active members of their community.
Collaborators from MSU’s Department of Theatre Help Bring Musical to Texas Stage

Staging New Opportunities
Read the complete “BEHIND THE WILL” story that provides viewers an inside look into what drives our faculty’s research, teaching, and creativity in the College of Arts & Letters.
It is absolutely necessary, in so many ways, to continue doing your artwork while you are an art professor. I design constantly.
Also, check out: MSU Theatre Setting the Stage for Design & Mentorship Article
Conference Presentation Samples
United States Institute for Theatre Technology: Online and Blended Theatrical Design and Arts-Related Learning Presentation (Kansas City, MO)
IAH 241E: Creative Process – Unique Creation Project Sample
Teaching Awards & Honors
- College of Arts & Letters Paul Varg Award, 2019
- Honors College Faculty Mentor of the Year Award, Michigan State University (Nomination), 2013
- College of Arts & Letters Alumni Award for Innovation and Leadership in Teaching and Learning, 2011
- MSU-AT&T Instructional Technology Awards Competition (Honorable Mention), 2009
- MSU Teacher-Scholar Award (Nomination), 2007
- Senior Class Outstanding Faculty Award, Michigan State University (Nomination), 2006
Representative Student Projects
- Scene Design
- Scene Painting
- Collaborative Studio
- Integrative Arts and Humanities: The Creative Process
- Integrative Arts and Humanities: The Creative Process
- Integrative Arts and Humanities: Music and Culture
- Each Podcast project explores historical development, artist invention, technical attributes, and commercial impact surrounding the evolution of electronics in Art and Popular Music.
- Podcast Research Project: Electronic Music Invention: “The Merry Go Round” Technique
- Podcast Interview Project: Electronic Music Interview: Thomas Edison and the Phonograph
- Podcast Interview Project: Electronic Music Interview: Friedrich Trautwein and the Trautonium
- Each Podcast project explores historical development, artist invention, technical attributes, and commercial impact surrounding the evolution of electronics in Art and Popular Music.
Undergraduate Research Initiative Projects
Photograph 51, Assistant Designer Poster by Jordan House
Dear Jack Dear Louise, Assistant Designer by Jordan House
Courses Taught
- Introduction to Scene Design
- Advanced Scene Design
- Scene Painting
- Portfolio Development
- Collaborative Studio
- Period Research & Resources
- Digital Design for Theatre
- Design Media and Techniques
- Production Practicum
- CAD & 3D Modeling
- Introduction to Technical Theatre
- Production Design: Scenery & Lighting
- Lighting Design
- Sophomore Seminar
- Senior Seminar
- Theatrical Play Analysis (in-class and online)
- Theatre History
- Creative Dramatics (online)
- Study Away in Theatre (New York City)
- Design Studio
- Applied Design Studio
- Collaborative Studio
- Advanced Scene Design
- Advanced Scene Painting
- CAD & 3D Modeling
- Professional Aspects
- Period Research & Resources
- Digital Design for Theatre
- Lighting Design
- Special Projects in Theatre
Outreach & Engagement Sample
As part of the MSU Department of Theatre’s Senior Seminar class, each student must execute a project linked with the community. The idea is that you take your art to the public.
This video was produced by MSU University Relations.
Also, check out:
Assignment to Design Auditorium Lobby Renovation and Major Donor Costume